A) IS it possible to replicate DATA stored on the server that does not exist on the client’s side? (example: a jumping animation).
B) Is it possible to replicate the SKELETON/MESH/ and/ or transform data, so if the server skeleton is playing the jump animation, then the client side replicates the skeleton’s current transformation values?
I am asking this because I am trying to replicate mocap data from Live Link, and that mocap data is not present on the clients system. I would assume it would be the same process as how VR replicates data.
Hello , yes I mean run-time game replication for a multiplayer game. I’m trying to replicate mocap animation into another project but the animation doesn’t replicate because there is no “saved animation data” for the client project to reference.
So I was wondering if it would be possible to replicate the pawns mesh transformations/orientations, and possibly morph target?
So I was wondering if it would be possible to replicate the pawns mesh transformations/orientations, and possibly morph target?
Sure, but this isn’t an ideal way to do it at all, the engine handles all this stuff for you in an optimised fashion, likely your game would be brought to its knees by sending that much info over a network per frame.
Are you able to get the animation working in a singleplayer setup?
Instead of a jumping animation sequence, I would replace it with the Live Link node, and it would play Live Link data streaming from motion builder. It doesn’t work when I connect to another computer because I assume that computer doesn’t have access to the same streaming data. So I was just wondering if there would be a replication process to replicate the meshes transformations instead of the live link stream data.
I’m assuming it will be too big of a challenge for me so I will have to find another method, it will just end up costing me more money to do it.
Ok I think I will have to look for an alternative solution, it will just end up costing me more than I can afford right now.
I posted a video earlier with the setup I used to replicate the Live Link data:
I’m just using animation sequences here, but all I would have to do is change the animation sequence with the Live Link Pose node, and it would play the Live Link stream data right from Motion Builder.
Unfortunately i’m not familiar with livelink, but in-game surely the animation data needs to exist as saved animation data and accessed via an anim blueprint as with any other animation data?
Or are you trying to replicate real time movement?
Yes it would be streamed from motion builder into Unreal Engine in real time, it’s probably too big of an obstacle for me to take on, so I will end up having to go with an alternative method. I was just thinking it might be similar to how VR would replicate, but it must be easier replicating the handle orientations than just mocap data.
As Livelink runs directly into the Animantion Blueprint as a Live Pose, wich is NOT replicated, other CLients can’t see this animation. To get it to work, you have to get the bone & curve values from Livelink and replicate them in a blueprint (or better c++ because it will cost you!) You can then build the pose on each client from this replicated data to drive the animation. But as you have to replicate a lot of data very fast, this will not work smoothly for many bones.
You might have to think about another way of streaming this data to the client in a better suited way then replication.