Is it possible to render each particle to different TextureRenderTarget2D?

So, I am working on creating floating damage numbers with a particle system. Each damage number would be written to the particle that was emitted. Since spawning actors and widgetComponents on each actor, is really inefficient, I tried doing this with widgets, but widget components get completely obselete at this point, since setting them to world space makes them scale correctly near and far, but using FindLookAtRotation doesnt fully make it rotate to the screen, + its harder to animate in widget animations compared to in particles. And there are other benefits from using particle systems over any other option.

So, right now, I rendered the widgets to the particles using a DynamicMaterialInstance and the RenderTarget of the ParticleSystemComponent, this works, all good, but each and every single emitted particle from the particle system im using (Cascade, not niagara) is the exact same widget. So I cant render different damage numbers to the emitted particles, since its all the same, I couldnt figure out if the cause is the DynamicMaterialInstance, UTextureRenderTarget2D, WidgetComponent, ParticleSystemComponent or something else, I did try several methods, like creating new any of these I mentioned, none of it solved it, all the particles change to the widget I set.

For example number “5” is emitted from the particle, next time number “10” is emitted, and this time the previous number 5 particle changes to the new number 10.

How can I render different particles? Would using Niagara solve this?

Maybe, I would have to add “New Particle Sprite Emitter” (new particle emitter inside the particle system) dynamically, since those can have different materials?