Is it possible to place a mesh over an existing skeletal mesh?

I wanted to know if it’s possible to simply put a mesh or a character on top of (overlapping) the starter skeletal mesh instead o rigging every single character model I import. Is this something that can be done, or is there an alternative? I know this may seem like more of a Blender question, bu I just wasn’t sure if it could be done in either Unreal or Blender. I’m making a non-commercial game which, for me, means putting anything and everything in it I want, so I’m adding a lot o characters and etc. Rigging and animating every character model would really suck, especially since I’m a complete amateur. Any help is greatly appreciated.

You can attach component to the component and in case of meshes you can use sockets that will follows skeletal mesh posing during animation and you can attach component (all components not only meshes) at socket point and it will follow along

You will find more tutorials by googleing sockets, there ton of them ;]

There upcoming feature called control rig going even ferther, it allows to one mesh animate proceduraly based on skeleton of parent mesh

Tutorial series showing you how to have many character models share the same skeleton asset in Unreal:

Thank you so much, this definitely fixes my problem. I’m still very new, though,so I may have follow up questions.