Is it possible to make a plugin in C++ that will work in a blueprint only project?

I am working on an inhouse file access plugin for my company, which exposes certain filenames and reading capabilities to blueprint nodes. Right now, the only way to include this plugin in a project is to make a c++ project, and include it that way. I get why that is, since its using the source directly to compile the plugin.

However, is there a way to maybe create libraries out of that code so that it can be included in blueprint only projects somehow? I’m unsure on how to proceed, or even if it is possible. I havent been able to find a lot of literature on this, so any help would be appreciated!

Any c++ plugin can be used in blueprint only project, the way to expose features from c++ to blueprint are the same as usual.
The engine itself is composed of many c++ plugins usable from blueprints !

From your c++ project having your plugin code, you can go to “plugins” menu and package yours, then you can use it in your other blueprint only projects !

Ofcorse! How do you think other plugins work with bluerpint only? just… copy paste them to blueprint only project, binary dlls is all that engine needs ;] You can also move plugin to the engine directory Engine\Plugins so you plugin is usable across all your projects.

Only issue is dll binary compatibility, plugin dll need to be build in same version as the engine that it will be used on, this includes github version because it does not build with standard version number and engine treats dlls as incompatible. So keep Source directory of your plug in just in, note that plugins inside Engine\Plugins will build with the engine so it should cover that GitHub version use case.

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