Is it possible to keep loaded a sublevel that is reused a lot ?


I am making a racing game which uses a common base environment.

Each track is a persistent level, which always has the base environment as a sub-level.

Track A (persistent level)
→ Environment level (sub-level, flagged always loaded)

Track B (persistent level)
→ Environment level (sub-level, flagged always loaded)

All tracks follow this pattern:

This allows me to make changes to the environment without having to modify each track level (I have 80+ of them)

However when switching levels it unloads then reloads the environment sublevel. This feels slow and break the pace of the game, especially if the environment is large / big / texture heavy.

Is there any way to keep a sub-level loaded and/or active in memory (even when returning back to menu level) in such a way that switching to another level keeps (or reuses) the sublevel already loaded ?

If there is not, I guess that i will be forced to add my main menu in a racing persistent level, that contains the big environment sublevel, and load/unload race tracks sublevels. Or maybe my game instance could hold an instance of the sublevel ? But I did not manage to succeed in this direction ¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯


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The environment needs to be the persistent :slight_smile:

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Lol when you say it like that it actually makes a lot of sense. Thanks for your answer :smiley:

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