Is it possible to get more extended rendering options for VFX?

Hello, I propose to you guys to make all the passes renderable [url][/url] (like AO, Fresnel, Motion Blur, velocity)

Because a lot of guys does VFX and it’s very useful.

Also could you make other matinee formats available? like TGA / EXR (exr is very used in after effects and was made by ILM)

And is 32 BPC (bits per color) rendering is possible? it gives us better color correction control.

And why when I export my avi or png jpg bmp they don’t have audio, I want lossless video (or frames) with lossless 0 compression audio :< that’s bugging me !

Thanks !

This would be possible with a little bit of work. There are already view modes to visualize each part of the GBuffer in the editor viewport settings. Thanks for the feedback.

Alright, now EXRs are available together with several passes, but why are key ones for compositing and VFX still missing?

Reflection, Refraction and indirect lighting are very much needed and are nor in the Gbuffer.

Over the Pixel Inspector I found a variable called “Indircet Irradiance” so it could be possible to build an indircet lighting map, but still, it’s far from optimal.