I want to be able to edit the “Low Pass Filter Frequency” value on a Sound Class in a Sound Mix Class in blueprints/during runtime. different levels of muffling at different distances is what I was going for. I’m just wondering if anyone knows a way to do this or if it’s possible at all, Thanks.
I have done it with sub mixes, but not sound classes. But you ca pretty easily set a submix effect preset filter frequency in blueprints
Using my phone right now, so can’t send you any links sadly.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I found another post in 2020 that showed how to edit the submix effect in BPs(How to change submix effect parameters? (Filter Freq)). I haven’t tried it in my specific use case but I have tried just using the “Set Filter Cutoff Frequency” with a test submix effect in BPs and it seems to be working nicely so I’m assuming it would solve the over all problem. So I’m going to mark the thread as solved. Thanks!
-Here’s a screen shot for fast reference on how to do it, this is in the level BP.
It work, but the the problem of the submix is that it affect all instance of a sound.
Say you have multiples instance of an actor horn behind simple wall, they will all have the same LPF than the last one that modified the LPF in tick.
Still searching a solution…
(Occlusion attenuation is not a solution for me, it consider only blocking line trace so does not take in account multiples walls)