Is it possible to detect if SteamVR is running OpenXR / SteamVR takes the Touch Menu Button

Is it possible to know if SteamVR is running on top of the OpenXR runtime? When I check the OpenXR runtime version in the plugin, I’ve seen it correctly report the Meta/Oculus vs SteamVR OpenXR runtime. The problem is that SteamVR can run on top of either one.

When it does, it will take the Menu Button from the Meta/Oculus Touch controller and make it toggle the SteamVR menu. With the SteamVR Input plugin from 4.27, you’d have access to the controller configuration files that SteamVR will use when binding inputs, but I haven’t seen anything like that when using 5.3 with Enhanced Input.

So, my questions are (within 5.3)…

  • Is it possible to get the Touch controller menu button to work in SteamVR?
  • If not, is it possible to know if SteamVR is running the current OpenXR runtime instance?
  • Is there a better way to go about this with Enhanced Input?