Is it possible to constrain the physic simulation?

I started with the first person template and when I activate “simulate physics” for my player capsule it starts for fall down.

Is it possible to only calculate the location and ignore the calculation for the rotation?

What I tried:

 CapsuleComponent->bIgnoreRadialForce = true;
 CapsuleComponent->bIgnoreRadialImpulse = true;

but it doesn’t seem to have any effect, the capsule is still falling on it’s side.

Hi maikklein,

Unfortunately activating Simulate Physics for a character can cause a lot of unexpected behavior, including characters falling over. The Character class includes a lot of faking of physics which, when coupled with actual physics simulation, generally does not do what you would expect it to do. If you absolutely have to have physics simulation working on your character, you may be better served by starting with a Pawn class and writing your own character class.

To better answer your question about the character capsule falling over, version 4.2 is set to include an option for a flat bottomed collision component which should stop your character from falling on its side.