Is it possible to collapse folders in the world outliner by default?

Whoever decided the world outliner’s default is set to ‘expand all’, shall not be able to plug his/her USB cable into any device at once EVER!

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shift click on root node to colapse all, then click it again without shift to expand only at root level :smiley:

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What do you mean? The World Outliner doesn’t have a “root node”.

Press SHIFT key to expand all - I think everyone knows this;

Now, this is the messed up part - While all folders are expanded (by using the SHIFT key above), press CTRL + SHIFT to collapse the current folder, then while still holding CTRL, release SHIFT, then click to expand the current folder - you will discover all folders are folded.


I discovered this while I was frustrated by having to manually click and expand everything. Hope it helps!


Bingo! Not obvious, but that absolutely works. Thank you!

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Yes, this really helped me! BUT. Actually, it’s much simpler than that (now), you just close the top folder you want to fold while pressing SHIFT. That’s it, after reopening, everything will be closed under.


Great info, seems to work as you say. The grumpy side of me asks why the buck gets passed to the user to tidy up but at least there is a quick solve.

Now i am converting Forum Karlin Prague project from 3dmax to UE5
And that’s why I’m asking how to work in UE5

The project has over 180 lights in the main hall alone
and after the staircase and the foyer
and then the lights for the show

link for project

Sorry for one more question

Frozen objects and directories

It reminds me a bit, disease 3ds max
Layer into layer in Layers manager
Import / Export Layers 3ds max is the Big a Emptiness
Save only select one Layer, same problem

Why do we need it, Autodesk team !

I starting worker 3dsmax 4
I think the problem was solved in version 3dsmax 12

3dsmax - Import / Export still problem

It works thanks but gosh what a dumb way to do it, is Epic even listening to its users ?


I confirm, it works well but here’s the correct sequence:
Maintain SHIFT and click on the folder above to expand everything
Click and press SHIFT once and release to have the folders collapse

So am I reading this right. This thread asking for this request started in 2015…it’s now almost 2023 and this problem still isn’t solved :rofl: I am at a loss for words.

I would just like to outline how terrible it is to work with this broken outliner. At no point in my life as a 3d artist working in many different types of 3d software have I ever encountered such a klunky messy broken outliner ever. The grouping is absolutely absurd ( I mean you cant click a group of objects in the outliner and move it into a folder as it selects all the objects as if you shift selected them individually) you can’t name a group (Or I certainly can’t find a way to do that). So you end up with a bunch of retardedly named groups of stuff that make it impossible to work correctly and neatly, and the fact that you can’t place them in a folder to organize them defeats the purpose completely!

Everytime I open my project every single folder is expanded and I have to each and every single time go and collapse everything one by one which takes a long time and this isn’t even that big of a level.
Then the most annoying problem of all is if I by mistake click somewhere in the viewport and it selects an object almost everything expands again in the outliner, I can’t just select and object and have the outliner shut up and just keep quite and just highlight the folder the object is in. instead it feels the need to make mess!

I urge you guys to open Maya and learn how a real outliner works so that you may copy it and make life for everyone that has been complaining since 2015 happy. Hell at this point I would even pay to have a working outliner. I am simply too OCD to work with such a messy outliner that is incredibly broken and has pretty much zero preferences to fix it.

Why try be different, if something works just use it, don’t try reinvent the wheel, a triangle for a wheel simply doesn’t work!


Now it’s time to 2023-3-2,this problem still exists…
when i swich between 2 levels, folders don’t collapse.
Instead ,u should collase all and save the scene. there is no deault setting for collapse all.

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2023 and the outliner is still a mess. Folders should be collapsed by default, and blueprints in the outliner should also be collapsed by default.


Can confirm, it’s still terrible to work with…

so is this the norm from epic??? They just don’t bother replying or fixing issues that drive people mad??

This is literally the worst outliner in the history of 3d programs and game engines!


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Im would love the outliner keeping its state when entering playmode too! Starting the Editor or switching Levels works fine.
A custom hierarchy order, as I order the folders/actors, instead of an alphabetical order would be amazing too.
Hope you guys at epic find the time for those kind of features, I know you are busy with awesome stuff.

Does anyone know how I can keep the lists in the actor file permanently closed?
There is a problem when saving, but as soon as I press the “Compile” button, the whole list expands again, which is very frustrating.
There is no such problem in UE4.
But in the UE5 version, unfortunately, it slows my work down a lot.
