I am running my game.exe with -emulatestereo command for my 3DTV.
It’s default FOV is too high.(not natural)
I had tried with normal FOV command (‘~’ + FOV value), but is not working with -emulatestereo.
Is there any way to play unreal game in 3DTV(side by side format) without oculus rift?
Enable SimpleHMD plugin (Window->Plugins), disable auto-HMD-following (if you need to) with:
PC->PlayerCameraManager->bFollowHmdOrientation = true;
Or in blueprints “Follow Hmd Orientation” set true;
Also for deploy (I believe) you need to add “SimpleHMD” to PrivateDependencyModuleNames in YourProject.Build.cs. Without this it’s working in editor, but non deploying on Android (for me).
PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "SimpleHMD" });
Unfortunately FOV is hardcoded in SimpleHMD.cpp in method GetStereoProjectionMatrix(). So we need to build own version of SimpleHMD. Just hope we don’t need to build whole Engine from sources.