Is it possible to apply different Anti-Aliasing for each level?

hello, Have a happy day today!
I’m currently working on a small project~!
I currently have two levels(scenes). One is just video and the other is a game.
Setting the anti-aliasing method to taa in the project settings shows very good performance at game level!
But, since taa is applied at the video level, a clean screen does not appear. (Good performance when setting other fxaa and msaa)
Can you give different anti-aliasing for each level?
(For example, fxaa at video level, taa at game level.)

Thank you so much for reading my short article.

You can run a console command through BP, maybe on Begin Play of the Level Blueprint, to set the AA to the method that you want.

r.AntiAliasingMethod 0-4

Run this using
and replace 1 with the one that you want, based on
with 0 being None, and 4 being TSR


I don’t know if this works, but does the video need any anti-aliasing?
I think you can toggle it on & off in either a post process volume, or like @zeaf mentioned.

Thank you very much ^0^