Is it possible for Additive blend mode material to contribute to global illumination?

I’m trying (in UE5.2) to make a simple additive material which will add to the scene illumination, if I set it to opaque, it illuminates and adds to lumen GI, but when I set the material to additive, it no longer contributes any lighting to the scene. Is this normal or am I missing some setting to make it work? I have enabled “Emissive”(Dynamic area light) in the material settings

If you use TSR as your antialiasing method, it should contribute to the light in the scene.

This has a lot of negative problems though, and the results tend to be… extremely bad.

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Fascinating, so what is a common workflow in UE 5.2 to have a contributing additive style emissive material? to use opaque / transluscent mode?