Is it normal to have about 50 projects in freshly created C++ project in visual studio 2022 ?

Hey folks!
I’ve been recently migrating my UE4 C++ projects to UE 5.4.4 and everything is dandy, except every time I generate VS studio files… It has 50 projects inside, including all autotests for engine itself and a lot of things which is useless. However it loads the system and generate a lot of useless intermediate files. .sln size went from 1kb to 160kb.

Is it intended behaviour in newer version of Unreal Engine or something went wrong?

With help of Reddit, figured it out.
You have to add this code to your BuildConfiguration.xml

		<bIncludeDotNetPrograms> false </bIncludeDotNetPrograms>

Reference Guide and where to find .xml
Syntax example by Epic


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