Is it a bug with parameter collection?

I have a simple parameter collection (screen_01) and a simple material (screen_02).
But when I compile this material it uses only first one parameter from the list (screen_03).
Am I doing something wrong or this is a bug?
I am using 4.7.4

While I’m investigated this bug, I rename parameters, delete them and add new ones to the list, etc… it just fixed them self.
I don’t know how, but now it works! And i didn’t notice any regularity of this bug

I’m having this problem too. I’m using 24 parameters and only the second one is reverting to the Parameter name no matter what I do. I’ve been trying to fix this for 3 days now and having had the same luck of it just automatically working again.

NKos, do you remember the order of operations you took when it finally fixed itself?

When you create your Parameter collection DON’T use duplicate

Just use Adds element

And i still think that there is a bug

Hi NKos -

I have reported the issue with Duplicated Parameters in the Collection Parameters as UE-17063. Your use of the add instead of the duplicate is the intended way to add new parameters to the MPC.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

I can add my confirmation that this worked for me. Thank you, NKos

omg… I was having this same problem!

I also (just) had this bug (4.11.2).

I duplicated a collection parameter element and renamed it like I have always done without issue. (It is quicker to duplicate and edit an element in a collection if the names are incremental, e.g. myVal_1, myVal_2, etc).

Today, however, the value for an element I duplicated was not being read from my material as expected. I saw NKos’ post and decided to delete the erroneous element and recreate it using [+Add] instead of [Duplicate] which indeed fixes (well …works around) the bug.

It seems this issue still exists in some fashion. I’m in 4.15.0 and couldn’t, for the life of me, figure out why my MPC wasn’t updating when being called by a BP. The really odd thing is that it had been working for 3 months and I hadn’t touched it. I found this thread, tried deleting the parameter element and recreating it, and it works again.

Fixed it for me as well and I am using 4.22 … any news on fixing this definetly ?

Well, just now try it in 4.20.3 and all works well, duplicate and add.
So I believe it’s fixed.