Is Creating/Editing ULandscapeSplineComponents/ULandscapeSplineControlPoint ULandscape via C++ possible?

Hey guys, I want to create landscape splines via C++ and add them to a spline layer of a landscape to get them created in a non-destructible way. I’m able to parse a JSON-file containing coordinates and creating ordinary splines (USplineComponent) with C++. Now I wonder if anyone of you already tried to create Landscape splines via C++…I don’t get it working because the ControlPoints are private and there aren’t any methods like AddLocalSplinePoint from USplineComponent…I also saw that some people try to use the “Editor Apply Spline” in Blueprint, but that doesn’t seem to work with non-destructible landscapes, either. Also it seems to me like the method “Editor Apply Spline” can’t be called from C++ without changing the engine source code. Thank you for your help!