Is animation mirroring functional yet?
The mirror table is there and there are references in code, but I can’t find any UE4 documentation on it etc.
Is animation mirroring functional yet?
The mirror table is there and there are references in code, but I can’t find any UE4 documentation on it etc.
Hello, we don’t support animation mirroring yet. We do have other team working on that feature, but not sure exactly when it’s coming online.
Ahh, ok.
Can I assume the character will need to be setup in a similar way to UE3?
In terms of functionality, it will be similar. Basically you set up mirroring on your , and you’ll have to either mark node or add node to use mirroring.
We’d like to improve tools a lot better though. The tools in UE3 was far from user friendly.
Hi ,
Do you have any rough idea of when this would be added? I couldn’t find anything about mirroring on the Trello UE4 roadmap, but we could really make use of it!
Hi ,
Any updates on this?
I’m still amazed that this feature is lacking in UE4.
Hey , It looks like this is in the Trello but with no set release date? Almost a year ago you said the team was working on it in this thread. Did it get de-prioritized, or was it just never a real priority. Still in love w/ Unreal, just wishing to have more control of animations. Because I’m buying animations off of the Unreal Marketplace, I don’t have the software or skills to do it myself at the moment.
Anyway, keep up the good work and hopefully this’ll be implemented in a future release
Hello someone from staff have news about Mirror Table?
Hello , do you have some news about this system.
bump this is needed!
Im also very interested in a way to mirror animations. I often too find myself with an animation that i wished i had a mirrored version of (ie. an idle state where the pose is mostly to the left and i need a similar one where the pose is to the right).
I’ve tried to fiddle with this in Maya without much luck, since transform nodes will be ignored during import which Maya creates if i enter a negative Scale X value. I haven’t found a working way to get around this yet, since the will get seriously messed up when re-imported into Unreal Engine.
In the meantime i have made a video showing a solution using Motionbuilder and Maya. Hope that can help out until we get a mirroring tool in Unreal Engine.
For future reference and tracking, the official Feature Request for this is: JIRA [24825] “Animation Mirroring” and is still currently open. However it has not been stated definitely when or even if this feature will ever actually be implemented in UE4.
Please make this happend!
bumping this for community interest, highly wanted from my side
(workarounds are not solutions, specially those that happen outside of the engine)
please make this happen!
Updated community interest for this feature request: UE-24825
You can vote for this feature here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-24825)
Hey , if animation mirroring hasn’t been implemented yet, where can we vote on this? The link below says issue not found. Thanks!
This has been converted to a different type of task and is still on the TO DO list. Unfortunately, that specific task list is not available to the public. However, I have added a comment that this is still of major interest to the community and have requested a way for users to track these special cases that have been converted.