That sounds great! Thank you, .
Hi, I am curious as to what the status of this feature being added to the Engine is. Any chance of this being added soon?
If the dev team could change the import scale to allow xyz values to the import scale instead of one value to control all scale values, then I could set -1.0 on x scale when importing to easily mirror any animation.
Also: This link is dead.
You can vote for this feature here:
Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-24825)
This is the message I get when I go there.
Unknown Issue We’re unable to find
any record of this issue. It’s
possible this issue just hasn’t been
made public yet. If this issue was
reported in the community, please
request on AnswerHub or Unreal
Developer Network if you would like to
see the details of this issue become
So has something been implemented and I am not aware of it?
Hi Kaotix,
This ticket was moved off of the UE project to a task project for the Animation team. Only UE project tickets are mirrored to the public issue tracker.
Anyways, the request is still backlogged and scheduled for Fix Version 4.18. However, that is no guarantee of it being there in 4.18. Tickets get punted to another version from time to time.
Generally when there is a feature that isn’t implemented quickly, it is because the time to impact balance doesn’t quite line up. This issue is important, but takes a lot more time to implement than you may expect.
This plugin does exactly that.
Was this added to 4.18 or not? I see Skel Mirror Table referenced in the property editor but no way to edit it.