I want to implement an object with timers but no need to place in the 3d world (transforms, etc)
Should I use an Actor without any physical/visual component anyway?
is not there some more basic Object with ticks and timers capability?
I want to implement an object with timers but no need to place in the 3d world (transforms, etc)
Should I use an Actor without any physical/visual component anyway?
is not there some more basic Object with ticks and timers capability?
Also I want to create this object and store on gameinstance so it persists in the game
(its for serial communication mostly) and If I use a regular actor that I have to spawn then it will die with map loads and stuff (yes I know I can respawn the actor all the time and check some state values from gameinstance to decide what to do but if my object is immortal would be nicer!)
if i remember the game mode can be set to be seamless travel so that it remains persistent and is not destroyed when changing levels, but I’m not sure about that
gamemode resets on each level opening
well try to put a Timer by function or timer by event inside the game instance “init override function”
actor component is the cheapest out of the box, or you can modifiy the object class in c++ to add that functionality
For the ticks but not physical ask : AInfo.