This is code that’s currently compiling inside a plugin I installed on the engine (so it’s on the engine’s folders).
My file is inside my project folder, instead, under plugin/…
The file is a cpp file that includes the plugin manager, just as the other plugin does.
#include "IPluginManager.h"
When using
To get the singleton instance of it, I get a compile error everywhere I use IPluginManager’s functions saying that couln’t find Get implementation (cpp). I don’t get other compile errors, so the .h is found. In fact I can go to the code in VS. The erorr is in spanish but basically says it’s not resolved.
error LNK2019: simbolo externo "__declspec(dllimport) public: static class IPluginManager & __cdecl IPluginManager::Get(void)" (__imp_?Get@IPluginManager@@SAAEAV1@XZ) sin resolver al que se hace referencia en la funcion "private: static class FString __cdecl FXXXXXToolStyle::InContent(class FString const &,char const *)" (?InContent@FXXXXToolStyle@@CA?AVFString@@AEBV2@PEBD@Z)
Something wrong I’m doing?