Hello, I’m having a problem where setting turning off the visibility of the Widget Component in an Actor doesn’t remove the component from being “seen” by the Widget Interaction Component (attached to a motion controller).
To reproduce:
Create a new actor.
Add a new Widget Component to that actor, and assign it a UMG class of some UI.
Set the Widget Component’s Collision preset to UI.
Set the Widget Component’s visibility to false/invisible.
If you don’t have a pawn already, create one and add a Widget Interaction Component to it. In my case this was a motion controller with Trace Channel set to Visibility.
Place the actor in a level near the player.
If you point the Motion Controller Component (or presumably a mouse) over the invisible object, the Widget Interaction Component will act as if the Widget is visible. If you layer Widgets in space, you can block visible Widgets with invisible Widgets in front of them.
I was able to reproduce this issue on our end. I have written up a report and I have submitted it to the developers for further consideration. I have also provided a link to the public tracker. Please feel free to use the link provided for future updates.
I ran a few tests on my end and was unable to reproduce the issue. Due to the original test case no longer reproducing this issue. The issue you are experiencing may be a separate issue. For this reason I will need you to create a new thread for tracking purposes. After this you can provide a link to the new thread in reply here so that someone can follow up.
After wasting a bit of time, decided the location offset is the best workaround. I now hide/collapse + set relative location Z to -1000 (or whatever works) when hiding.