Invisible Niagara systems on spawn

I’m currently working on a VFX system for my project. I have different Niagara assets that are spawned based on an actor’s health value (fire, smoke, etc).

The problem I’m having is that some of these effects are invisible on spawn. I originally believed they were not spawning, but after researching a bit I found out that they are there, but they can’t be seen. If you click in the actor you can see the underline around where the vfx should be.

I can’t find something in the assets that may cause this issue and I’ve also found out that they work as intended if I attach them directly to the actor (in the blueprint). I guess then that my problem has to be in the way I spawn the niagara systems in code. I’m using the function UNiagaraFunctionLibrary::SpawnSystemAttached and I set all the parameters except the default ones. This has to be working somehow because all systems spawn, and only some of them are invisible, but I don’t know if some of the parameters might cause this issue.

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Here’s a thought. Niagara and/or particle system components typically need to be activated in order to begin their journey. If you add one of these to your blueprint actor from the editor and you scroll down on the details panel, “Auto Activate” is typically checked. Are you setting the bAutoActivate flag on the call to SpawnSystemAttached to true?

Yes, the default value for bAutoActivate is true and I can confirm that this works because at least some of the Niagara systems are working as intended. In fact all the systems are supposed to be activated, because a non active Niagara system doesn’t generate the outline that I mentioned.

Hi,have you solved this problem?

My problem is solved because it has to do with a setting for the Actor, because my effects preview is in an editor’s viewport
