Inverting Fresnel

Hi All,

I’m looking to use a fresnel node to create some realistic reflection falloffs in some of my materials. The problem is the node seems to create the inverse of what I actually want. I want the reflection on the edges of the material rather than in the middle and fading to matt on the outside. Basically the exact opposite of this example.


Just put a OneMinus node after fresnel. Or plug fresnel into alpha of a Lerp and switch the A and B parameters.

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That worked perfectly! Thanks!

I tried doing both and it still inexplicably results in one solid value regardless of surface angles. I know this post is 7 years old but if you’re still alive and have any kind of fix, please let me know

i’m alive!

Looks like Exponent value you need makes it very hard to notice in that kind of situation.
Off the top of my head, insted of fresnel you could try getting the Dot product of Camera Vector and VertexNormals and the multiplying that value with something less than 1.0 until you get the result you want.