invalid verse script class references

I cannot figure out how to get rid of this issue. I’m out of ideas. Is there a solution out there?

It is completely preventing my team from working on a project. Each time the project is loaded Verse needs to be rebuilt and any linked @editable devices need to be reattached.

Found Script Device(s) with invalid verse script class references. If verse failed to compile, fix errors and rebuild
If this problem persists or there are no compilation errors, it is possible .verse files were renamed, moved or deleted and you may need to return the associated Verse code to the state that it was in when the map was last saved
Saving in this state may result in data loss, and may mean you need to replace or delete the device(s)

We’ll get someone to take a look.

@spankysully1 could you DM me your source either here or on Discord?

Thank you!

Got the same message… stuck…

Hey I just fixed this issue - this is how you do it:

This happens when you have a class with your custom game device, whatever it is called, and you hook it up to stuff in your map, say a button here, a billboard there, and they have whatever name -

What happens then is if you CHANGE THE NAMES of @editables in your code, or REMOVE EDITABLES ENTIRELY, and your old version of your custom device is still sitting on your map linked up to those things youve changed or deleted, THIS IS WHAT CAUSES THIS ERROR!!!

Simply DELETE the device on your map, hit the rebuild button on the error, then once its built successfully now, drag a fresh copy of your custom device onto the map and reconnect all of its cusotm editables.

THIS IS 100% THE FIX! ENJOY ANY FUTURE READERS! Honestly blows my mind Epic doesn’t even know what the issue is and can’t just publicly troubleshoot iit, instead doing it in DMs?!?! How does that help the future user?


It is not 100% a fix, I’ve since found out that it’s mainly caused from renaming classes, or moving classes from one verse file to another.

But sometimes the error won’t appear straight away so everything seems fine, the only way to fix it if that happens is to move the classes back to their original location, rename them to their original name

Or… like I said, delete the device from the actual game world and drag a new one into the world, this doesnt require a rename.

Since I can’t edit my original comment, yes, spankysully brought up another scenario in which you could break your map, if you change your creative device class name, again the simplest solution is the same, delete your custom device from the map and drag in a new copy of your custom device to replace it.

you’re a real one, saved my ■■■

using verse for the first time and just following a tutorial where they had us copy+paste some stuff for a specific game mechanic, and naturally being that I have 0 experience I don’t have any critical thinking ability to troubleshoot even the most basic of issues

UCB-1236 incident has been created. Status is ‘Awaiting Validation’.