Everytime I enter editor I get the following warning: Invalid Simulate Options: Body (Player_BP_C_0.Arrow) is set to simulate physics but Collision Enabled is incompatible. When I look at the Player_BP everything seems to be in order and nothing is out of the ordinary. I don’t know what it is referring to with .Arrow, but maybe it is referring to the arrow component linked to the following cam? If so, how can I get rid of that and/or stop this message from appearing? It is quite annoying having it appear every time I enter editor. Any help would be much appreciated!
I am also having this error. The Arrow is inherited as part of the Character Base Class. Normally the arrow is read only so we shouldn’t even be able to change the physics on it. I wasn’t able to reproduce the error even with all the same assets (sk mesh, anim bp and physics asset). It’s really quite annoying!
+1 I am also experiencing the same. For me it is happening on an AI blueprint (which has no camera) - but perhaps interestingly/useful for debug it only happens on instance 2 of the blueprint in the world, never instance 1.
I’m having the same issue for the my custom Third Person Character. It just popped up while I was changing character movement settings in my blueprint. I have a second arrow on my character but that one doesn’t have any physics settings that I can change so I’m just assuming this is a bug.
Same issue present in 5.0.2 project has been moved up from 4.26 originally but it seems so sporatic everything will be fine then a certain unused actor will start firing this error.
Same issue in 5.0.3
invalid simulate option: body (bp_thirdpersoncharacter_c_0.arrow)
Has anyone found a solution for fixing this error?
There’s a fix for that kind of error but I don’t know is it a good solution if you have lots of variables and functions in your character.
I’ve created new third person UE5 project and manually copied BP_ThirdPersonCharacter from new project over my old character which I renamed to BP_ThirdPersonCharacter_Backup and then manually relinked all the data.
Now it works without error.
Does someone found any solution for that? Im also having the same issue without knowing how and why it happened.
I have the same problem.
Inside a squeletal mesh I had an arrow, the arrow was the one that generated the error, to solve it, I added a new arrow with the characteristics of the problematic arrow and then deleted the problematic arrow, the problem disappeared.
I think it was a random engine error.
This error will show if the object Collision Enabled property is set to Query only or NoCollision and the Simulate Physics is set
Changing the Collision Enabled property to something else should solve the issue or just making sure the object simulate physics flag is not set
Hope this helps
Working on 5.2 here. THIS fix helped me get my Metahumans kicking debris on the floor when they walked. Spent a day on this. Glad it was fruitful. Thank you.
I’m getting this error on a specific decal for some reason.
i am getting the error message that my “Invalid Simulate Options: Body (VehicleAdvPawn.VehicleMesh SKM_SportsCar) is set to simulate physics but Collision Enabled is incompatible”.
i was following the tutorial " How to Enter and Exit a Vehicle in Unreal Engine 5 - Car Interaction" by Gorka Games, but it ended up not working. what do i do?