We migrated a 4.5 project that we’ve been successfully building and distributing through TestFlight. After migrating to 4.6, we get the following error upon uploading to TestFlightApp.com:
'Invalid IPA: missing embedded provisioning profile. Are you sure this is an ad hoc?'
We did copy the provisioning profile to the 4.6 Engine/Build/iOS folder, and the project settings seem to see them:
When creating the IPA are you selecting Distribution under the Package Settings? I don’t believe Test Flight will accept an IPA with a mobile provision that is not Ad Hoc which is created in UE4 utilizing the Distribution option under the File|Package|Packaging Options.
Ok, first thing, you have a lot of provisions which is a good test for us :). To create the final package Xcode is utilizing the “iPhone Distribution: Empirical Development LLC” signing identity with the “Empirical Development Wildcard In House Profile”. Is that the provision you were expecting to be used? If so, then it should be working correctly. If not, then we need to figure out why Xcode chose that provision as opposed to the one you were expecting.
No it’s actually ok because I did notice that our provision validation check is failing when it checked against the one that was finally chosen by Xcode. There definitely is still a bug in how we determine what provision should be used.
Ok according that log, you should have had an ipa called Distro_FP-IOS-Shipping.ipa in /Users//Desktop/IOS. Is that the one you pushed up? (Just making sure :))
ok, so the IPA is just a zip file, so you can extract it and look at the files. Check to see if it has an embedded.mobilprovision, if so, open that up with a text editor and verify it is the one you expect. If it doesn’t have one, then we’ll have to figure out why.