Invalid IPA under 4.6

Okay, just tested, and am still getting
‘Invalid IPA: missing embedded provisioning profile. Are you sure this is an ad hoc?’

Here’s the latest build log: [Log][1]

The unzipped .ipa does not have an embedded.mobileprovision file:


Just an FYI - this isn’t our full main project (which is still on 4.5), but a smaller test project I was using to develop some . It’s small enough that I could upload it if that will help, but i can’t upload it to the ticket because it has assets that aren’t licensed for redistribution.

Can you look in /Users//Documents/Unreal Projects/FP 4.6/Binaries/IOS/Payload/ and see if it has an embedded mobile provision? If so, then the problem is the final creation of the ipa and I may need the project at that point to try to reproduce here. Also, check the date on the Distro_FP-IOS-Shipping.ipa in the same directory and verify it has been updated recently. Lastly, are you guys using the binary release or the GitHub release?

Nope, no embedded.mobileprofision there, either. The /Users//Documents/Unreal Projects/FP 4.6/Binaries/IOS/Payload/ directory looks pretty much identical to the screenshot above showing the unzipped contents.

Actually, I think I just found the problem. It looks like it is signing the app in /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.6/Engine/Binaries/IOS/Payload/, but you have a code based project so it should be doing that in the game’s Binaries/IOS directory. Definitely a bug of some sort. I’ll keep looking through the log and see if I can figure out where it happened.

Ok, I think what is going on is there is a bug in the temporary xcode project generated to do the code sign. I’ll have to dig in to the project generation code to see what’s up.

Definitely an issue with project generation. However, I can give you a real quick change to fix the problem for now. Rename the game directory from FP 4.6 to just FP ( /Users//Documents/Unreal Projects/FP 4.6 to /Users//Documents/Unreal Projects/FP) and that should resolve the issue for now. The problem is there is a single spot in the project generation that is keying off the game folder name to determine if it is a game or a program and your folder setup is not being handled correctly.