Introducing Unreal Dev Grants

I submitted mine but made a very big mistake. I did not include links to videos so they could see the project. Does anybody know what I should do so they can see the game being played? I hesitate submitting another one as I just submitted one. Thanks for any help you guys give me.

This page appears to be broken. Did you take it down? The forms seem to be hidden.

Send a message over this Topic and directly include all the links too.
Mistakes of this kind happen and should not be a problem. :slight_smile:

First time poster, been learning the ins and outs of this engine for just over a year. Submitted my proposal today Can’t wait to see what happens next!

Thanks you guys for such a new world of game development.

Just submitted for Evolvation! A multiplayer arena space flying shooter!

Really excited!:smiley: Thank you Epic for bringing this amazing opportunity!


Oh my Goodness, this is amazing…Grants to build my game? Wow. I hope the fund does not run out…i’m close to submitting.

Is there any way of knowing what the window is on availability?

Darryl Swann

I wouldn’t be so inspired about it, i didn’t see much games receiving grants which really need it.

What are the minimum things to be ready before submitting to Unreal Dev Grants !

Hello All,

Thanks to Unreal Dev Grants ! this is a great opportunity for us devs to push the boundaries and helps us seed the future of unreal graphics with unreal engine!

I am currently having no idea on the things to be ready before submitting to unreal dev grants !..

Currently am finishing one level of the game, Its pretty simple level but with awesome graphics…

Ill be able to have the apk uploaded in a private website and include a video of me playing the game in the device.

Would love to know what are the other things to be included…

Hope this post will be useful to other fellow devs…


Hey thx for the heads up about these grants. I’m gonna go deeper into this. Again, I appreciate it my friend.

Darryl Swann

Very best of luck to you on your submission. I’m right behind you :slight_smile:

I’ll like to know if you guys had received mine Illimium Tutoriales Spanish Speaking Tutorials. I’m just worried because almost a month or more had passed and I’m afraid that the application wasn’t received.

Submitted | ODIN Tracker UE4 Plugin

ODIN Tracker is a suite of tools (Issue/Task, Capture, QA, & Time Tracker) bundled into an Unreal Engine 4 Plugin that is currently in development by Binary Sword Pty Ltd.


ODIN Capture UI & Feature Preview for v0.2:

From our UE4 forum thread (be sure to vote on our poll):

The ODIN Tracker UE4 Plugin has the following sub-modules:

  • Task Tracker (, GitHub, Trello, etc.)
  • Capture Tool (Image/GIF/Video + entire Blueprint capture and post-capture editing tools).
  • Time Tracker (Tracker/Logger + Timesheets with upload to /Other).
  • Settings + Custom Templates and Workflow Builder Back-End.

We have plans for both an Offline Mode which will be partially completed in the 1.0 release with the remaining features being added in 1.1 through to 2.x and features to support running the plugin at run-time within your game for QA and Alpha/Beta Testers to have access to with included granular permission settings to manage QA, Private, and Alpha/Beta Tester submission access rights.

We are also looking at supporting a 3D Space Issue/Task placement with the UE4 Editor Viewport that would include:

  • Sign/Marker with text (In-Viewport + Runtime).
  • Area/Volume Marker (In-Viewport + Editor PanelTab + Runtime) e.g. build house/car park/shopping mall within this grid space.
  • Tag to object (In-Viewport + Editor PanelTab) e.g. “This tagged [ISSUE-KEY] mesh has a broken collision volume.”

ETA on this feature is uncertain at this stage but some elements of this feature set will most likely make their way into somewhere between 1.0 through to 2.0

More info at:

NOTE: Website link currently redirects to UE 4 Forum Thread but website should hopefully be up within a month or 2

So in have a Question about the Deadline.
The first Site says, there is no Deadline. It depends on the amount which is left ?
Is that right ? There is no Deadline ? If i submit, how long will it take to get any response ?

Save Our Souls - Episode 1


Hi guys, I recently pushed development torwards the UDG direction and finally submitted mine 5 days ago, I usually do things quietly until I finish but being a 1 man development team with no marketing skills means being quiet’s probably bad for my health, and I’ve learned from the way Epic’s developing Unreal Tournament and Paragon, so you can play my pre-alpha demo too if you like, Download link’s on the page.

Thanks Epic, for the great opportunity.

Just submitted one for Deathwave.

Hi all :slight_smile: Im copying my post on the UE4 developers page on :

I want to study and archive “photorealismn” in the context of outdoor environment CGI simulation with UE4 as Im truly amazed how a game-engine can make outdoor environments look so very real.

I understand that the Open World and KITE is a good start, but my pc (Asus, ROG G550JK, 12GB ram, Haswell i7 @ 3.4ghz, Nvidia GTX 850M 2GB vram) cant handel those assets and I cant afford to buy the hardware that can handel the Open World assets and KITE level. Is this what Unreal Dev Grants is for? Can you apply for a fund so you can get the tools needed for your plan and finally make something out of it?

I work and study outdoor simulations with UE4 daily, but this is only for pure enthusiasm so I dont know it works then. I also dont do VR (must be the only one :eek:) as I have epilepsy and sadly cant handel the sideeffects. Im based in Norway. If I could I gladly worked with VR as well. Hope someone can explain how it works for enthusiasm`s that want to show what a gameengine can do and push it even futher with CGI simulations.

If you’re awarded a you’re free to use it how you want. But I don’t know your odds of getting picked for a just off of an idea and little else.

Yes, thats what Im worried about. I want to show off UE4`s power for outdoor environments as well. Now Im working wiht assets as LAM and the Nature Mega pack from the marketplace which is amazing but I want to push the engine more to see how real it can get.

Our team [] submited last month.

Tell me impressions.
I would like to get feedback.

Thanking you in advance


Is the program still ongoing? I assume yes, but on the page “Recent Recipients” link is from December 2015.

Based on the recent live-stream, I have gathered courage and applied for Vive, but I am not sure how long should I wait. I understand they cannot reply to , but what is the waiting period until it is auto-rejected?
I am checking my email every minute, but so far noone has looked at my application (checking the number of views on my non- demos).

I am 100% committed to start developing for VR and I do not want so spend waiting multiple months for reply that can never come.