Introducing Unreal Dev Grants

It maybe correct to some extent but not a 100%, I’ve seen a number of people who aren’t very well known on the lists of people who’ve received grants, especially in the educators part. People who are already famous are just more likely to receive a because they are already known for doing cool stuff.

Resubmitted my room-scale VR game for the vive . It works using SDK 1.3 (DK2 or CV1) now and I suppose porting it over to the vive is quite manageable.

Hopefully someone takes a look at it soon and it passes this time. My previous submission (5% complete versus 95% now) 9 months back got no replies.

9 months and no feedback.

That’s the only issue I have with the current system. Epic says they have grants, but no real detail on how they work. You do not know how long it will be before, or even if, you will get feedback.

It is as if they talk out of both sides of their mouth
1. Take your ideas to the limit, do not worry we have grants if you need the extra push
2. If we decide not to get back to you then just go crowd funding. But remember, we want our cut of any crowdfunding you raise

I understand not can get a , but if they are going to dangle money out there to get devs in they should really make up a set of crowd funding rules where one can raise money and not have to give a cut to epic

Hey all, I wanted to chime in since it’s been a bit (howdy! I’ve missed y’all!) :cool:

As mentioned by a few of you here and in the past, we simply cannot respond to every application that comes across due to the enormous number of submissions that roll in. That may change in the future, however, it’s not a realistic thing we can make happen at this time unfortunately. Also as pointed out above, if your project has seen significant progress, please apply again! There’s no penalty for reapplying. :slight_smile:

To let know where we currently stand regarding the current backlog, we’re still looking at pre-GDC submissions at this point but are quickly closing that gap now that the event is behind us. The goal is to get the cycle down to a two week process as opposed to the longer turn-around times that others have seen in the past.

On the topic of popular vs. unknown projects, we have a fairly healthy balance of recipients that we’ve heard of before and ones that completely came out of nowhere. We wouldn’t penalize a team for successfully getting the word out about their game, as it’s not related to the criteria for receiving an Unreal Dev . It’s also worth mentioning that not every project that receives an Unreal Dev is announced, as many teams are operating in secret :cool:

For the HTC Vives, we encourage you to submit your prototype regardless of if VR is already working in it. We recognize the chicken and egg scenario there, however there is a lot you can still build and prototype without the hardware. I’d send it on regardless, because it doesn’t hurt to apply too early :slight_smile:

I hope that adds some clarity! As things change, we’ll be updating in the process.

What’s the response time normally? Because I had sent a submittion that can help a lot the Epic community!

It takes alot of time.
Actually the truth is:

I subm ittedalmost two months ago and heard nothin back, its just the huge amount of people that submitt.
A gamejam is nothing compared to that… :smiley:

I know its impossible to chill and netflix… but do that XD

Epic’s royalties are for game sales only, you can ‘raise money’ by crowdfunding which Epic doesn’t ask for a cut of, for example, through donations.

Unless you’re offering your game in return for funds, you keep all the money you raise through crowdfunding or otherwise.

We applied with some screenshots that included some taken within the DK2 and were successful, but generally the people deciding if you’re eligible will probably recognize the VR potential of your project, even without any working VR progress.

Epic’s royalties are for game sales only, you can ‘raise money’ by crowdfunding which Epic doesn’t ask for a cut of, for example, through donations.

Unless you’re offering your game in return for funds, you keep all the money you raise through crowdfunding or otherwise.

I know that but the simple truth is if you are crowdfunding a game you are going to be offering the game. So you will be paying Epic some money out of those funds

May I know long is the turn around time for Vive applications? Hoping for it to be faster than the usual dev

From Epic’s EULA : “Royalties are due on revenue from Kickstarter or other crowdfunding sources when the revenue is actually attributable to your product”. Crowdfunding money tied to a game key definitely require royalties, that’s quite clear IMHO. Crowdfunding money for TShirts of your game are fine, unless you also offer a game key with it. Any money spent “on” the game, no matter how, requires royalties.

Donations (actual donations without reward) are fine, Twitch/ money is fine, tshirts are fine - money made “because of” the game is fine, money made “with” the game is not.

Exactly, I’m not sure if you’re disagreeing with me, but this is what I said too -

We’re currently accepting donations for our indie game through crowdfunding, but we’re only offering exclusive information about the game as opposed to the game itself in return. It’s a very modest amount of funds currently, but don’t rule out that it is possible to raise money which Epic doesn’t want a piece of. This is getting off topic - but ultimately, even if you are selling your game through crowdfunding, Epic still only asks for royalties if you’re making $3000 / quarter, and then it’s only 5%. I can’t think of many examples where such an opportunity exists to use such a powerful piece of software for free.

It was one week for us until a slightly vague reply from Epic, then one more week before we were contacted by Valve confirming that we were successful. Good luck with your application, I noticed that the HTC Vive Pre dev block has disappeared from the launcher, which is where we learned about their Vive Pre grants initially. Hopefully that doesn’t mean they’re out of units.

Thanks for the info mechanicalsnowman! Hope I wasn’t too late to the party

Submitted… I know I’m one of many but the grants definitely give me inspiration and something to strive for, something that can make my project become what I think it can be, if it deserves too. Well, and a little luck getting noticed, perhaps.

Good luck to else and thanks again to Epic for doing this, and releasing Unreal 4 for free in general. You guys do fantastic work (I know suckin’ up won’t help my submission, I mean it genuinely :))

I just got a message from telling me that they are in the next subbmit phase. Wich is the march april phase. If you submitted at that time then you will either get a message in the next 10 days or… not XD But thats the state :3

Thanks Filly,

To clarify, there are not phases of submissions or reviews, nor will there be messages sent out within a set number of days. What was mentioned was that we’ve currently had eyes on all submissions up through March of this year. Very many are still in review, though they’ve at least had a set of eyes on them at this time :cool:

i submitted my game for reviewing.


wish me luck :slight_smile:

I’ve submitted my game Enigma Prison about 3 times already
no response =(

but I’m getting thousands of messages from fans on fb and which is what keeps cheering me on
I’m working to make this the highest quality possible for a one-man-army game but it’s kind of sad to release this using free music



I Applied for a trough the website but once i clicked on submit it showed up an error saying something went wrong and that i should send my submission via email to
I did got an email saying that my submission went trough. So now im confused is there anyway to check if it DID went trough?

If you got the message, we got the submission :smiley:

alright then :slight_smile: