Introducing Unreal Dev Grants

I don’t think anyone new was announced yet. I’m guessing he’s congratulating up to this point. Fingers crossed Epic has more info to share soon! :slight_smile:

That makes sense, I was curious if it was on a stream or something. Hopefully there are more around E3. =)

Fingers crossed…


Would Epic consider a fan game eligible for a dev ?
No clone however, so different name, characters and vehicles.
I have developed a new control scheme, that would be a great fit
for the fan game I have in mind. Though capable of way more,
this control scheme and fan game would be a great start.

Hi! I have sent the request to Dev Grants program about two months ago, but received no answer. Here is my game. May be this will give some presentation about game and you will think of it :slight_smile: Thanks!

Here is my game video

I am in the same situation. Hopefully Epic goes through the submissions made 2-3 months ago soon.

I’m curious if they’re still doing this. They seem to have gone dark on this program for months.

Yep! Have more announcements on their way soon :slight_smile: Sorry been a bit dark on this thread! We’re still getting plenty of requests and processing as soon as we can.

Edit: Snuck out before I was done :cool: - Also keep in mind there’s always the possibility of projects that we cannot share / announce due to NDA or other media embargoes.

Stay tuned for more info!

Hey ,

I will have an update soon, however like you mentioned it can’t be yet. Should I email the update to my previous email thread where I posted a link to my website ?

Glad to hear things are still going on behind the scenes then. Been a while since I’ve seen you around ! Thanks for the information. =)

These news are pretty good. It will be very nice to see your decision in my email. It no matter would it be happy or sad. I’m just waiting for any of them

Save Egg

Hi guys! Available demo game: “Reverse Side”
Anyone can download the demo: DOWNLOAD

*Only russian localization

**Install: Redistributable packages Visual C++ 2013 for your platform.

Hello Epic,

I just wanted to quickly mention that I submitted an application for the Ue4 dev for your consideration.
Sorry about plugging the prototype here, but I actually applied once before (a few months ago) and I never heard anything back.
Like no email that my application had been received even, so I figured I just want to make sure that you know I applied… kinda thing… lol

Thank you very much,


Sorry by suggest this again…

@, what about you sneak upstairs and get an spoil to us about where the evaluation team is on the stack*? :smiley:
*Actual application sent date.

Three months waiting for at least a video view count increase on … Starting to think that not even my E-Mail subject was interesting enough. LOL

Very good idea!!!

There is a silence in this topic and only Reaper stays here. :smiley: Nobody tells, nobody moves. And we just wait for something.

My buddy and i just decided to put what we have on github, since we don’t have the resources to polish it up. We’ll throw up a donations link or something.

It would be great if you guys could tell us more info regarding when WE will get notified. Also, the estimated time it would take to get notified if we submitted a project today.

Yes. Idea is good. We’d like to know some information about a position of our game in stack of review. We are dying of waiting for some good or not good information )))

If you have a game in the prototype phase, do you have to submit the prototype or can you just link videos of the game?