Introducing the Epic Developer Community!

Not sure if we should point those out here or in the feedback section but since we’re talking about contrast:

The way resolved questions are highlight could be improved.

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Things are looking really pretty with the new website! But please bring back the saved learning courses that we had. I dont want to lose my progress on the courses I was taking on the old learning site. I also cant remember the name of some of them, and now I can’t find them, haha. Id also love to browse courses based on certain instructors :slight_smile:


is post editing being broken ever going to be fixed?

Is it just me, or are we no longer able to filter searches to specific subforums?


Not having a big Community HUB and not being free at the start when competing with Unity realy caused Unreal to have a smal Community and in turn less Guides, Resources, Games shiped by the Engine etz.

Thats why Unity was the way to go for smaler Creators. But now that we got this professional Community HUB and all the free Learning-Resources, Software and Content this Community will explode for sure.

Thx for all of this you realy enable people like me to do what i want to do!!! Keep it up and Love from Germany.

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I agree, filtering by the presenter’s name was nice.
In case you’re losing progress on your courses or can’t find some anymore, you can still access the old site here.

Overall, I love the new site though.

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Hi JakeLofgren!

Thanks for you input. The “old” learning site (Unreal Online Learning) will remain accessible for awhile longer. So you will be able to complete the learning you have started there.

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The addition of avatars almost makes up for the inferior forum software. <3

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Will the snippets section support discussions? Would be great to have attached discussions, in case someone else finds a fix or an enhancement, for example.


Very pleased with this new platform :grinning:

There’s a lot of dead links now. Will these somehow get auto-magically updated? Some of my bookmarks are gone now too.

That’s a lot of information that was not necessarily specific to UE4.

Glad to see the update, but I would like to ensure that the legacy forums and documentation remain accessible. Thank you.

Thanks for all the great feedback everyone :slight_smile:

@sk0gg - We need to see a little how the snippets are used and evolve. Our current expectation is that there is going to be a great number of these posted, given that has several tens of thousands of entries. If that is the scale it is going to go at, comments may not be doable to set up.
If it turns out we will have a lower volume but higher quality of entries, we would look into that.

We will very likely also need improved sorting and searching for Snippets - We are going to let it run its course for a little to see where it ends up before deciding how to extend it further.

@Doctor_Kannon Most links should have been kept intact, or redirect. I believe the Legacy forum section was not touched, although I may be mistaken, and should thus still have all of the same URLs. As much as possible we definitely want to ensure all links continue to work. Do you have some examples for us on where things may have gone wrong?


Don’t under estimate yourselves, because in the future it might hold you back.

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guess not.

Any news on having the category list side by side with latest posts on a single page like before?

Much appreciated!

Some time ago, I complained about too much text contrast. Now we have opposite problem, the text in the posts seems as if it was grayed out. I don’t think we should compensate one extreme with an opposite extreme. Not using 100% white for the text is a good readability design guideline to follow, but it doesn’t have to be medium gray either.

This is what we have now:

This is what we had before:

This is a sane medium I’d expect:

Anyway, it’s still an improvement over the retina burning white. Now, if we just get the old homepage with categories and latest posts on the same page, I’ll be more or less happy (the cluttered theme aside). Most of my horizontal screen space on the homepage is wasted anyway:


Partially offtopic, but I also find funny how consistent Epic are with their website favicons :smiley:
By consistent I mean they are consistently different :smiley:

Half year ago I started to study online courses on Epic Games site. Some of the courses I haven’t finished yet. But now I cannot find these courses on the Epic Games site. It is important for me to continue to study from the same place where I stopped. Could you help me?