InterpToMovement Replication

I replicated the platform and I use InterpToMovement.
Everything works fine with moveToComponent instead of InterpToMovement but it’s jittery. So may be you have an idea how to make it replicated correctly?
You can see on screenshot the only code the platform has and I put a mark on “Replicates” and I use Smooth Sync plugin (it replicates movement).
It looks like visually platform is replicated but for client it’s like in another place…

Don’t replicate the movement. It will always be jittery and will not ever sync server to clients.

Replicate STATES.

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Wow that’s really good advice. Works perfectly!
May be you know how to replicate the initial position?
Like if server changed state to “Elevator Up” for example (default is “Elevator Down”) then the client joins and his “Elevator state” changes to “Elevator Up” at the beginning and it’s moving on the client side (moving up). We can get rid of this problem with replicating the movement but can we replicate this in your setup?
Anyway I really thankful for your answer!

Increase the netcull distance of the elevator. This will typically ensure the elevator is at the right position when the client can actually see it.

Want to note the default netcull is (225,000,000) 150m. If you have long sight lines then you need to bump this value up to accommodate.

example, If your sight lines allow you to see doors from a kilometer away, then they need a netcull of 1.25 Km (15625000000.00)


If you need a to change the default state, say UP instead of down. When you place the Actor in world change its default state value to Up. Then on Begin Play call the OnRep function directly.

I can demo this if needed.

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No need, I got it!
Thank you so much!

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