Interface RPC?


I am trying to create an “Interaction” interface that is using RPCs. Browsing the forums and the Answer Hub, I think it should be possible, but I haven’t found an actual working example.

I have created an interface called “I_Interaction” with a “StartInteraction()” and a “StopInteraction()” function:


#pragma once

#include "I_Interaction.generated.h"

class MYGAME_API UI_Interaction : public UInterface

class MYGAME_API II_Interaction

	//Interface Functions

	UFUNCTION(Server, Reliable, WithValidation)
	virtual void StartInteraction();

	UFUNCTION(Server, Reliable, WithValidation)
	virtual void StopInteraction();


#include "MYGAME.h"
#include "I_Interaction.h"

UI_Interaction::UI_Interaction(const class FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer) :Super(ObjectInitializer)


I am implementing the interface in an AActor derived class called “EQ_Overlord”


#pragma once

#include "Interface/I_Interaction.h"
#include "Entity/Entity_Overlord.h"
#include "EQ_Overlord.generated.h"

class MYGAME_API AEQ_Overlord : public AEntity_Overlord, public II_Interaction

	//Declaring Constructor
	public: AEQ_Overlord();


	virtual void StartInteraction_Implementation() override;

	virtual void StopInteraction_Implementation() override;


#include "MYGAME.h"
#include "EQ_Overlord.h"

AEQ_Overlord::AEQ_Overlord() :Super()


//Interface Functions

bool AEQ_Overlord::StartInteraction_Validate()
	return true;

void AEQ_Overlord::StartInteraction_Implementation()


bool AEQ_Overlord::StopInteraction_Validate()
    return true;

void AEQ_Overlord::StopInteraction_Implementation()


I cannot compile this, I get the following errors:

 error C2509: 'StartInteraction_Validate': member function not declared in 'AEQ_Overlord'

error C2509: 'StopInteraction_Validate': member function not declared in 'AEQ_Overlord'

Now what confuses me is that as far as I know, both an RPC and an Interface function should use an “_Implementation” suffix. How do I get around this? I have tried many other options, but I couldn’t even get it to compile.

Is even calling RPCs through an interface possible? If so, how? I hope someone can shine some light on this for me.


bumping this, as it is still unresolved

I know its been more than 2 years since you posted, but I have same problem :’)
Did you find any solution for this problem? I thought of moving everything into UActorComponent but just want to know if you found a solution before doing that.