Interactive dialog what I want Unreal 4 to do

I been looking through all these of Unreal 4 tutorials on you tube on interactive dialog using static meshes, and these tutorials are all showing little Window based mouse clickable dialog boxes to move through all the dialog branches, then up pops the window and you click on all their responses. , now the code to my game is over 54,000 lines long and there’s about 6 thousand lines of text dialog so far in it

But what I want my game to have in Tesseract Prime Offworlds, my sci fi batch game that already has had thousands of lines of dialog already typed up for it along with audio files) is to beable to use a similar dialog system to what I already use in batch code.

I use a flag-based dialog counter system in my game.

Rem Here's how I set up my dialog in windows script.

Rem set up game flags
set t6unit=0
set loana=0
set noshut=0   && if turned on shuttle is available to get droid.  if turned off only Jacobs is available to chat with.

set /a spin=%random% %%5+1
if %spin% EQU 1 echo. Storm Well what do we have here, another droid. 
if %spin% EQU 2 echo. Storm How fast is your memoryr?  && pause && goto newb
if %spin% EQU 3 echo. Storm I had enough of talking now 
if %spin% EQU 4 echo. Storm bye

if %t6unit% EQU 1 echo. t6unit; My processor speed is fast enough 
if %t6unit% EQU 0 echo. && echo. Commander; Who are you talking to Storm?, we don't yet have a droid on this ship.
if %loana% EQU 1 echo. Ho hum this is boring me.   
if %t6unit% EQU 1 if %x1%==a echo. a) ask t6 about his memory banks
if %x1%==a echo. a) ask Loana where to find a t6 Mechdroid unit.
set /p x1=
if %t6unit% EQU 1 if %x1%==1 goto askt61
if %x1%==1 goto askloana1
goto start

set /a spin=%random% %%4+1
if %spin% EQU 1 echo. t6unit; My memory is fine, but could do with some more.
if %spin% EQU 2 echo. t6unit  I always like upgrades.
if %spin% EQU 3 echo. t6unit; My memory is slowly coming back. But takes time.
if %spin% EQU 4 echo. t6unit; Could do with an upgrade soon on vocal processors. 

goto leava

;askloana1 (can't type colon on keyboard) key not working.
set /a spin=%random% %%4+1
if %spin% EQU 1 echo. Loana ,i saw some mechdroid t6 units when i was in the 
if %spni% EQU 1 echo. telos system on the telos homeworld.  I was somewhere 
if %spni% EQU 1 echo. near some ruins and saw one there but it was broken.
if %spin% EQU 2 echo.  Loana I saw a t6 droid with other broken units, never 
if %spin% EQU 2 echo. bothered to repair it because i thought it was just old junk, if %spin% EQU 3 echo. Loana Hmm. yeah I saw one back on Telos near the ruins. 
if %spin% EQU 3 echo. if you want that piece of old junk you're welcome .
if %spin% EQU 4 if %t6unit% EQU 1 echo. Loana Oh so you found the droid and managed to repaired it.  Well whoope for you.  && set noshut=1
if %spin% EQU 4 if %t6unit% EQU 1 echo. Just keep that droid on a leash or something. Oh and make sure he dont steal my memory chips.

if %noshut% EQU 0 echo. a) take shuttle to Planet 
if %noshut% EQU 1 echo. a) 'Talk to ship engineer Jacobs.
echo. b) leave area
set /p x1=
if %x1%==a goto shutplan1
if %noshut% EQU 1 if %x1%==a goto chatjacobs
if %x1%==b goto bridge
goto leava

echo. Jacobs Waffle Waddle drone drone drone...  so Storm has an illegal 
echo. dark matter energy gun hidden in his backpack all along.  

ect ect,ect.. this is just the basic text version of how I set up a dialog system in a batch game..
10,000 lines down in the code 
ECHO. take shuttle down, finddroid blabalblabla waffle waffle drone drone....

set t6unit=1 (if you find the droid on Telos at the ruins near the great labs facility and repair him, he joins as party member and this sets the flag to 1 to indicate the flag is on and the droid exists.  then when this flag appears in any code block, it will turn on any dialog  text or any commands that has that flag swtich on the same line..

20,000 lines down in the code 

set loana=1 
(if you rescued her from the rogue factions).  she the joins as party member.

But to try to do the same thing in UNREAL seems to be a lot more complicated than just a few simple lines of code and flags when it involves static meshes to do dialog branching with.

(then list all the dialog entries of the speaker) if I want them to talk automatic one line reponses to me without having to press a key to get through all the branching then I use tell the computer to use a counter to cycle through it. . that way the speaker can select all the dialog to respond back with and saves me all the clicking through everything,

But what I want is unreal 4 to be able to also do simple plain text subtitles for dialog when walking up to a static mesh actor or when showing full screen cutscenes and not have any windows boxes popping up to click through, but its just all subtitle text only and or audio instead (if the subtitles are turned off)… so I’m looking for a subtitle text dialog database system without all the clickable window boxes.

in my batch script file instead of doing all these Clickable mouse dialog boxes as I see in these tutorials have been all using, instead I used a counter to choose from all the dialog branches that the speaker has to let them think for themselves without you having to endlessly click the mouse all the time through all those pop up boxes just to see what they are thinking about. so they give idle automatic responses to what they are thinking instead of making you click through endless windows to know what they are thinking. Only if an important game option pops up if they want to ask me something important or trying to sell something to me do I have to click…

Can the same dialog system i done for my prototype sci fi game be implemented in Unreal 4?

I wouldn’t know how to set this up with blueprints because I would need a dialog database for this will could have up to 60,000 lines of dialog because its a game involving many systems and galaxies to travel around in.

I haven’t attempted to build this game yet in Unreal Engine 4 but have been thinking about it, if I can get the dialog system working in it with the static meshes…

Well, for starters, I don’t think there is any need to port your text into C++. Port it into excel. Then you could give each line of dialog a UID, and create a simple UI text widget to display the text. Pass the widget the UID of the dialog line, and have the widget look up the UID in a data table. Alternative, build a subsystem to lookup the dialog, and pass the pure text to the widget. Then, give the widget an autohide timer that removes the text so many seconds after displaying it. I know that is not a full implementation, but it should point you in a good solid direction to get started.

This sounds really interesting, please tell me more.

Well, for starters, I don’t think there is any need to port your text into C++. Port it into excel. Then you could give each line of dialog a UID.

I should be able to do that step… since the dos find Command can extract it into a text file from the batch script.
using the name of the speaker. then I can just create the uid tags on the speaker’s name.

Create a simple UI text widget to display the text. (This step I don’t know how to program in Unreal 4) I don’t know how to code a simple ui text widget for displaying a string of text in the unreal engine reading from a uid database file.
it is probably done with blueprint, to get unreal to display text from a custom uid database text file
but I don’t know how to set it up. )

Pass the widget the UID of the dialog line, and have the widget look up the UID in a data table.

I don’t know how to code it in Unreal 4 either. I’ve never tried to build a text widget before.

Alternative, build a subsystem to lookup the dialog, and pass the pure text to the widget. Then, give the widget an autohide timer that removes the text so many seconds after displaying it. I know that is not a full implementation, but it should point you in a good solid direction to get started.

I’m getting some clues on what must be done on how to set up the uid database, but don’t have all the programming knowledge to build the uid interface to get it to display in unreal.

I guess the flags and switches also use the same uid system as well to trigger off certain events in the storyline

I gave my answer above your comment sorry. But I find your answer interesting, because maybe they had to do this with Kotor because of all the dialog that was in it.