Interactions between HUD Message Devices BUG - Positioning
The HUD Message that shows after another one gets the positioning altered by the previous HUD Message (with strange interactions)
The first time one HUD Message shows also gets the positioning based on the size of the image that contains and how much goes out of bounds
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Unreal Editor for Fortnite
What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
Steps to Reproduce
Specific steps to reproduce the error (they are super specific and I cant pin point the exact cause but these settings are usually used in number of projects) I tried a lot of combinations and my theory is that the quantity of Image that is out of bound in the X axis of the first HUD Message alters the positioning moving itself a little to the X axis in the first time it plays and then the next message that is played by the same amount:
- Create two custom Widget Blueprints (Look at pictures to see settings)
- “WID_0” Widget with [Canvas Panel] containing any Image anchored to the bottom left corner with a Position X and Size X that gets out of bounds in the right
- "WID_1"Basic widget with [Canvas Panel] containing any Image / Text anchored to the center and not big enough to get out of bounds
- Create two HUD Message Devices with the previously custom Widget Blueprints
- HUD Widget → “WID_0” with Placement Custom and Screen Anchor to Center Full
- HUD Widget → “WID_1” with Placement Custom and Screen Anchor to Center
Code to reproduce the error:
Create a loop in VERSE and show the tow HUD Messages one after another and see the result:TestHUDMessage() : void =
TestHUDMessage0.Hide()Sleep(1.0) TestHUDMessage0.Show() Sleep(2.0) TestHUDMessage0.Hide() Sleep(1.0) TestHUDMessage1.Show() Sleep(2.0) TestHUDMessage1.Hide() Sleep(1.0) TestHUDMessage0.Show() Sleep(2.0) TestHUDMessage0.Hide() Sleep(1.0) TestHUDMessage1.Show() Sleep(2.0) TestHUDMessage1.Hide() Sleep(1.0) TestHUDMessage1.Show() Sleep(2.0) TestHUDMessage1.Hide() Sleep(1.0)
Expected Result
The HUD Messages do not interfere with one another and they interact with the next one that is shown, and the first time a HUD Message is shown that has the correct positioning and dose not get moved by an amount based on how much out of bounds is the image containing the Widget Bluepring.
Observed Result
The first time the HUD Message plays the Widget gets moved by how much out of bounds its the image containing it is and the next messages also get moved by the same amount.
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Additional Notes
I saw this problem starting a few months ago and from what I see in other posts in the forum is a problem that is ongoing for a year or more, and I did not see anyone make so much testing with a blank project as me trying to find a solution or at least know more of that is creating the problem itself. If some clarification is needed or the steps are not recreating the problem I can add more information to try to reproduce it, these conditions are one of the many that create this problem but at least is a method that ensures that can be reproduces if you are following exactly as I did.
The video shows with the mouse pointer showing the positions and the Black Image widget is the one with the out of bounds and the white one is just a widget that is anchored to the center and gets displaced by the Black Image widget, also the Black Image widget gets displaced by itself the first time it gets shown but then when is after the White Image widget it gets fixed because there is no out of bounds in there.