interactable point clouds

I am trying to make a point cloud interactable but can’t find how. I want to be able to move around on top of the point cloud in VR, however I am only able to move around on a platform I made underneath the point cloud. Is there a way to make the point cloud a physical object to walk around on? I just started using Unreal, so I am not familiar with it yet. I used the VR template and teleported around in VR but with elevation changes in the point cloud, there are some areas where you are just under the point cloud on the platform.
Any suggestions?

The teleportation system uses a raycast against collisions to find the endpoint, and the navigation mesh system to find an empty location for the player to fit in. To use it as-is, you would need to generate a collision mesh from the point cloud. This is a non-trivial task, and I don’t think there are any readily made solutions for Unreal available.

An option would be to write a custom raycast algorithm that checks for proximity to the points, and modify the teleport system to use that instead.

A much simpler solution would be to use an alternative locomotion method instead, such as world grabbing, or thumbstick movement.