Hey guys,
This is my first post on the forum.
I have a quick question regarding a glowing system.
Everything online relates to effects similar to Tron, edge glowing…but what if you want a different type of glow ?
For example I want to give all my interactable items a glow similar to what they did in The Last of Us. The Last of Us - Chapter 1 & 2 - All Collectible Locations (Artifacts, Pendants, Manuals, Comics) - YouTube could I make something like that ?
I tried 2 versions:
-a material using Panner
-a version using Flipbook
Both of them have the same problem. The glowing isn’t consistent accross the sides of the object due to UV’s which aren’t unwrapped properly.
Also I can’t control the time between each glow or how thick the glow is.
Has anyone done something like this ? I couldn’t find any tutorial or even a marketplace asset.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you !