Interact/Grab Physics Asset with Motion Controller

I am using the motion controller from the VR template. I have a physics asset with constraints that I want to be able to grab and move around. I can make contact with it if I close my hand and hit the object. So the physics is enabled. I just cant grab it with my hand. I know how to set up regular static meshes to grab, but how do you do a similar thing with physics assets?

Isn’t that what Physics Handles are for? This tutorial may be useful:


That is for a regular static mesh to pickup. Motion controllers handle picking up objects a little differently, using the Pickup Actor Interface. But I can only seem to get that to work for static meshes. Is there a way to do a similar concept for a physics asset? Like grabbing a mechanical arm and moving the arm around while the base stays anchored to the ground? Something like in this video, but with a character using the VR controllers to grab parts of the arm:

[quote=“DMHokie, post:3, topic:99011”]

That is for a regular static mesh to pickup. Motion controllers handle picking up objects a little differently, using the Pickup Actor Interface. But I can only seem to get that to work for static meshes. Is there a way to do a similar concept for a physics asset? Like grabbing a mechanical arm and moving the arm around while the base stays anchored to the ground? Something like in this video, but with a character using the VR controllers to grab parts of the arm:[/QUOTE]

You don’t need to use physics in this case. Setup inverse kinematics in animation blueprint and move only active bone when player grab it.