Intense lumen flickering with nanite mesh

Used light mixer to setup a simple environment

When I change my mesh to be Nanite, the bounce light from the Direct light makes stuff flicker hard

1: I tried to boost Lumen settings in the Post Process Volume, infinte extent, didnt help
2: “Support Hardware Ray Tracing” is on
3: The ocean doesn’t matter, deleting doesn’t change the flickering
4: Taking the basic Cube, copying and converting it to Nanite, this also flickers
5: My scalability settings are on Cinematic

I was having the same problem, and changing the cloud quality, shadows and reflections fixed the problem for me.

Hardware ray tracing isn’t enabled in the scene. Have you made sure it’s enabled, not just supported, in the project settings? You’re getting really bad lumen probe artifacting, which is usually a two-sided geo problem.

Hardware ray tracing is enabled for sure,

Digging a bit more, it seems to be something with the material, need to debug more :thinking: