Intellisense isn't Suggesting Everything

It happened after I formatted my computer.

In the header file, Intellisense isn’t suggesting properly. For example, when I want to include <gameframework/SpringArmComponent.h>, normally it would suggest files in the ‘gameframework/’ directory. However, now it doesn’t. However, I can still include it and use it as usual. Intellisense works normally in .cpp files (suggests ‘gameframework/’, ‘components/’, etc.). Am I missing something?

I still haven’t found a solution. I tried reinstalling Unreal Engine and VS2022, but I’m still facing the same issue.

In my cpp files, when I write ‘include <’, vs2022 can find other classes and folders like ‘components/’, ‘actor.h’, etc. However in the header file, it can’t find them. It mostly suggests ‘generated.h’ classes.

Although I can manually write the class name like ‘include <components/springarmcomponent.h>’ and it works but it’s frustrating to have to do that every time.