Intellisense doesn't work in new character c++ class

Hi guys.
I use unreal engine 4.25.1 and visual studio community 2019.
When i create a third person project and use default third person character intellisense works properly.

But when i create my own character intellisense throw 13346 errors.
And there are not code suggestions.

I added two images on this post;
One of them default third person character c++ class
and other is my own character code suggestions.

This picture is default character.

this is my own character class.

I seen this bug already. Close editor, got to project folder, right click uproject file, “regenerate VS project files” and then open the solution (which should be in same folder). This should fix up intellisence settings in solution.

When i create a new class should i do this?

If you have this problem yes. You 2nd person i know having this problem so consider reporting a bug.

Normally project should be automatically regenerated by editor class creation wizard, but it seems like it create some invalid configuration which messes intellisense.

Same behaviour here, I just create most classes in one go and regenerate the project. I would recommend turning off “Recompile after new class is added” in editor setting to make this bit faster