Intellisense activation

Hey guys,
I have a problem regarding autocompletion and suggestions (via Intellisense) as it’s not activating properly (or at least only after a delay of several minutes of not debugging or closing Visual Studio). Does it really take that long to collect Keywords and Methods/Variables of all the classes? Or is that just a bug I’m encountering? (I’m not entirely sure about the workflow of IntelliSense so I can’t guess the reason that’s causing this problem)

Thanks in advance

Probably need more information on the version of VS you are using. (To follow up, I’ve only ever done c/c++ in emacs/notepad, you kinda just get used to not having it after awhile)

Oh yeah, I’m using Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate Version 12.0.21005.1 REL on a Windows 7 64bit OS.

Hi, not sure if that’s what you mean, but after adding new class try the following:

  • Build solution

  • Close VS

  • In the editor File->Refresh VS Project

  • File->Open VS

  • Give it 5-10 seconds to rescan files

I am having the same issue as the OP.

I have the exact same setup (VS 2013 Ult) except for the one difference of me being on Win 8.

I have honestly noticed a lot of strange behavior in VS…Maybe I will try reverting to VS2012.

I would recommend you guys Visual Assist. It is much much faster than Intellisense.

Works pretty good! :smiley:

Highly recommend VAX (Visual Assist X) too. It’s way better than Intellisence for an Unreal Project and there’s a lot of cool feature too.

If you are serious about developing for UE4, buy VAX! There’s also a trial version of 30 days if you need convincing. Also : deactivate Intellisence once you have VAX, Visual Studio will fell much better!

phoboz thank you very very much!! I managed to fix my problem (Intellisense stopped working - Platform & Builds - Unreal Engine Forums) following your steps <3

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