Intel Integrated Performance Primitives

Has anyone already tried to link and use these intel libs to unreal engine ? :

PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(Path.Combine(ThirdPartyPath, "Lib", "ippcore.lib"));
PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(Path.Combine(ThirdPartyPath, "Lib", "ipps.lib"));
PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(Path.Combine(ThirdPartyPath, "Lib", "ippvm.lib"));
PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(Path.Combine(ThirdPartyPath, "Lib", "ippch.lib"));

Because it seems to make the editor freeze and I’d like to know why

Solved I added both the multi threaded version of them and the basics by error
(ippcoremt.lib, ippsmt.lib, ippvmmt.lib and ippchmt.lib)

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