Integration of a Modified Developer Tool possible?

Hi, I’m really like the Automation Driver developer tool, so is it possible that I modify it, make it a plugin and have it packaged in Game? The modifications are rather extensive, so does this violates the EULA?

My intended usage is not to make it as a commercial plugin to sell it in marketplace but a plugin created for in game uses and packaged into Shipping builds because Automation Driver allows me to run a sequence of instructions asynchronously. However, I have removed a lot of unnecessary bulk and made it work with basically any instructions unlike the original Automation Driver that is only capable in UI interactions.

The most similar class I have is StepExecutor class at around 70% similarity. Does such similarity constitute copying and violates the EULA?

If you modify engine it is ok to distribute it in github as long its fork of original github repo, so its guarded same way as orinal repo.

You are free to distribute your own modules (this including plugins), as long as it follow EULA engine usage rules and you not coping code from engine, which is copyrighted.

in techical issue, it depends on how extendable thing you trying to modify via and it very a lot in many features, it really depend on your case. se in automation tool have any ui extenders

Any public distribution of Editing Tools (which includes Automation Driver) can only occur via the Marketplace or via Epic’s github repo (for source distribution).

Whether or not your modifications are extensive enough such that the EULA restrictions don’t apply is a complicated legal question that depends on much more than a percentage similarity. Epic can’t give you legal advice on this, but we encourage you to be cautious and recommend you consult with your own attorney.