Integration of 3DExperience CATIA (V6) with Unreal Engine via Datasmith SDK

Hello fellow developers,

I’m trying to create a third-party plugin that seamlessly integrates 3DExperience CATIA (V6) with Unreal Engine. The primary aim is to enable real-time CAD file importing, runtime import, and establish a direct link, using the Datasmith SDK.

However, my proficiency in C++ is limited, and I’m curious to find out:

  1. Is anyone in this community already working on a similar project or integration?
  2. Are there alternative methods to bridge CAD software and Unreal Engine?
  3. Most importantly, is it technically feasible to design such a plugin using the Datasmith SDK?

Your insights and guidance would be invaluable. Thank you in advance!


Hi Mark,

I’m not able to answer any of your questions unfortunately, but I’m very interested in a plugin for 3DEXPERIENCE.

In addition to a direct link of the CAD models, I’m also looking for a way to import the 3DEXPERIENCE animation assets as an Unreal animation. This would be really powerful for both CATIA mechanism visualizations and DELMIA robotics simulations in particular.

I hope you will get some help on this topic by someone, keep me posted if you are able to create the plugin at some point.


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