Instancing custom object in constructor

I have a custom uobject class as such (simplified version):

UCLASS(DefaultToInstanced, Blueprintable, BlueprintType, EditInlineNew)
class MYPROJECT_API UMyObject : public UObject {


        UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
        int32 MyValue = 10;

        virtual void UpdateValue();

and I’d like to instance them & set their values in the constructor of my character

MyCharacter.h file

class MYPROJECT_API AMyCharacter : public ACharacter {


       UPROPERTY(Instanced, VisibleAnywhere)
       UMyObject* MyObjectA;

       UPROPERTY(Instanced, VisibleAnywhere)
       UMyObject* MyObjectB;

       UPROPERTY(Instanced, VisibleAnywhere)
       UMyObject* MyObjectC;


MyCharacter.cpp file

AMyCharacter::AMyCharacter() {

    MyObjectA = CreateDefaultSubobject<UMyObject>(TEXT("My Object A"));
    MyObjectA.MyValue = 58;

    MyObjectB = CreateDefaultSubobject<UMyObject>(TEXT("My Object B"));
    MyObjectB.MyValue = 391;

    MyObjectC = CreateDefaultSubobject<UMyObject>(TEXT("My Object C"));
    MyObjectB.MyValue = 75;

Is this the right way to doing so? or will this cause any issues/ inconsistencies ?

Yes, that’s fine. The only thing you should watch out for is that the sub object names should not contain spaces. Something with that is known to cause problems with object paths.

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