Unreal 5.5.1
I have one PCG to create a forest in a PCG volume, and I have 4 PCG_volumes that use this. 3 of them can be generated without a problem, but the fourth always causes a crash:
Assertion failed: InstanceDesc.InstanceId <= 0xFFFFFF [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Renderer\Private\RayTracing\RayTracingInstanceBufferUtil.cpp] [Line: 312]
InstanceId must fit in 24 bits.
The instances are:
1:/Script/PCG.PCGGraphInstance’/Game/Levels/Main4.Main4:PersistentLevel.PCGVolume_UAID_C87F54A77CD9DE4302_1241131101.PCG Component.PCGGraphInstance’
2:/Script/PCG.PCGGraphInstance’/Game/Levels/Main4.Main4:PersistentLevel.PCGVolume_UAID_C87F54A77CD9DE4302_1339899102.PCG Component.PCGGraphInstance’
3:/Script/PCG.PCGGraphInstance’/Game/Levels/Main4.Main4:PersistentLevel.PCGVolume_UAID_C87F54A77CD9DE4302_1360130103.PCG Component.PCGGraphInstance’
4:/Script/PCG.PCGGraphInstance’/Game/Levels/Main4.Main4:PersistentLevel.PCGVolume_UAID_C87F54A77CD9DE4302_1360137104.PCG Component.PCGGraphInstance’
It is in a world-partitioned level, I had to disable "partitioned’checkbox otherwise each would generate the forest, but it would never shows.
Another PCG that differs from this one only in the meshes to be spawned, has the same problem in all instances.
Is it a matter of number of :
Number of instances (16)?
Size? (scale x by y = 530x530)?
Number of meshes (4 groups, from 3 to 9 meshes in a group)
It also happens if I enable on of the camera’s I have set up: it looks like either the video driver, or unreal, loses control of what to display, and after some time, the same error appears.