If created during play the instanced mesh components dont seem to block navigation. I allow player to construct walls and other structures that are replaced with instanced meshes. AI keeps walking at the objects. Using the hieratical instanced static mesh component and it have “can ever affect navigation”-setting turned on.
So to repro have an actor that adds hieratical instanced static mesh component after being play and instance(s) for it.
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Do you have any steps I can take to reproduce this on my end in a clean, blank project with no additional content? Additionally, have you checked to ensure your navmesh is set to update automatically? What collision options have you set in your instanced mesh components?
Sorry, I forgot to make the repro earlier. But yes i am having blockalldynamic set as collision in hierarchical instanced static mesh component + can ever affect navigation is set enabled. I have navmesh updating automatically too. But still AI try to walk through the instances.
Try to make actor that add the hierarchical component after begin play and add one or few cube instances. If watching the navmesh, it shouldnt update correctly even having the right settings on.
I found out now that the nav mesh dosent get updated until moving that actor (that have the instances) bit. Then it updates the navmesh. But it dosent do that when adding the instances.
Edit: I make the actor now to have tiny offset up and down to update the navmesh every time instances have changes. So longer big problem for me.
Try adding a delay before your instanced mesh spawn. I believe the reason you aren’t seeing an update is because it is spawning before the navmesh has a chance to properly initialize, adding a very brief delay should resolve this.