Hello, I’m having a issue (possibly a engine bug) where the shadows on instanced static meshes fade out before the mesh even gets culled but the shadows reappear when the mesh gets culled in the distance. I opened a new project in UE5.3.2 to make sure it wasn’t just a issue with my game project and spawned a bunch of chairs with the foliage tool and set them to cull at 3500 units. I also added a normal static mesh chair with the same culling parameters and made it bigger so in the video you know which one is a standalone mesh and it doesn’t have the same shadow issue. Not sure if this is fixable or if its a UE5.3.2 bug but if someone has any ideas please let me know

I also have to mention i am using normal shadow maps, NOT virtual shadow maps because they are too expensive for my game but when i enable virtual shadow maps this issue goes away.