InstalledBuild doesn't create LocalBuilds folder

I am trying to make an InstalledBuild using the directions here -

Even after I follow all the instructions, and the script runs, a LocalBuilds folder is not created. Then, I tried to create a new directory for the InstalledBuild but the folder is empty.

These are the steps I followed -

  • ‘win + r’ → launches cmd Run.
  • “F:\UnrealEngine-release\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\RunUAT.bat” BuildGraph
    -target=“Make Installed Build Win64” -clean -set:BuiltDirectory=“F:/InstalledBuilds/”
  • It runs for 40 mins or so and then closes on its own without any errors (I assume).

Could someone tell me what I’m missing? Thanks in advance.

I ended up using UE4 Binary Builder | Unreal X-Editor which would also crash the Building process but because of a MacOS platform issue. If I only select Win64/32 it works fine.

Same problem here, not sure what to do. Tried many things: checking folder permissions, changing build path, etc - nothing worked

Same on Unreal 5.5.1 here.
It worked for a time and then stopped working. I’ve been trying to go back into the space where it worked. Not sure if this is about the command line I am using because “-set:BuiltDirectory=” seems unstable: one time it works one time it doesn’t without any change to the command line.

This takes me forver because I need 4+ hours to run it somehow.

By the way when is the “LocalBuilds” folder supposed to appear ? After the lengthy compiling of c++ code of after ?
I’m asking because knowing the answer would make my iteration process faster.

Ok I think I got it, firstly the “LocalBuilds” folder will appears only after compiling is done. If if no other post copy process is not failing, more on that later.

As for the “LocalBuilds” folder not appearing @Juggernaut1994 you are probably seeing where this is going now: One of your post copy process is failing.
To diagnose open in console window in the folder you are running the installed build from and run it from there instead of running from a bat file.
If the build fails it will tell you so you need to keep the window opened (running from a bat file will close your window as soon as the error is logged)

In my case the fix was to disable android support, I probably didn’t have android whatever installed. Like that " -set:WithAndroid=false"

Also that mean “-set:BuiltDirectory=” is perfectly stable: it was just not getting there.